Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Junk or Art?

I see a ferry in my future in a few short hours. We're all aboard the HMS Ultramar for the 12:30 sailing. Thanks to all the old and new wonderful friends who made our Isla trip so very interesting!

Looking out my window, the waves look bigger than yesterday. Can that possibly be? I think Tropical Wave Number 4 has stalled over the Yucatan?

We were wading down Guerrero towards the supermercado yesterday when I saw this interesting collection. Art or junk? It looks like a very artsy collage to me!

Happy trails to us, and we'll see the island again in November!


  1. Junk or Art? I thought that was the title of your autobiography! LOL...I can only say that because it could be mine, too. I just got caught up on your posts. I'm sorry you have to go home. The fish tacos at Ballyhoo made me lick my computer screen. Mmmm!!!

  2. Hope you had a safe trip home. Ours was a breeze! Nice to see you a few times while we were on the island!

  3. It was nice meeting you and Craig. The time on Isla just flys doesn't it? Thanks for all the great posts and wonderful pics!

  4. Sorry we didn't see you this time. Hopefully November!

  5. How was your trip home? Did they strip search Craig and make him remove his floaties?

  6. Jana, definitely junk here. You are what you eat! Ha! Ann, good to see you again! Janet, the time went too quickly, but we're always happy to rescue Miss Saby from Dog Bone Ranch!

    Sue, in November we'll be there a month, so we have to get together! We don't arrive until the middle of the month, so hopefully I won't be a tropical storm magnet!

    drgeo, security in Cancun confiscated some of the stuff from Craig's fishing equipment. The girl couldn't figure out what stuff was, but she didn't like the looks of it! Then the woman next to Craig on the plane spilled coffee all over him. Fortunately, it wasn't hot enough to burn him. It wasn't his day!
