Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Typewriter Tale

Remember my quest for an old typewriter? I think I told you after hunting for years in antique stores, my mother finally showed me this old one she had in the hall linen closet. My grandmother kept an old typewriter like this sitting on the end of the dining room table, but I'm not sure if this one was hers, or one from my great uncle's house in Stillwater, Oklahoma. (He taught business subjects at OSU and had his own little museum in his basement.) Anyway, it's finally home!


  1. That's great--those were made here in CT. Next week I'm cleaning out my Aunt's house--I'm sure we'll find some treasures there!

  2. OMG!!! Did you know that both Jana & I (and Ali) went to OSU? LOL

  3. Ann, we'll be cleaning out my mom's house when it sells. I'm sure I'll find even more treasures! Linda, we used to go to Stillwater all the time to visit my aunt and uncle when I was a child. My uncle was already retired at that point. I think he was the head of the business department back in the early days. My dad played football for OSU for one year before he went off to WWII.

  4. So will you be typing the blog now? I wonder where you buy new ribbons these days. What a great machine!

  5. drgeo, I wish I knew where to get one of those ribbons! I suppose the internet would be a good start. I wonder if there's a font that simulates the look of an old typewriter?
