Tuesday, May 10, 2011

More Santa Fe Scenes

We're in Santa Rosa, New Mexico tonight. After one last taste of the fabulous red chili sauce they spread on Mexican food here, we'll head back to Phoenix tomorrow. My blogger woes ended today when I resubmitted an order for more photo storage space (hope I'm not double charged), so I decided to post some more photos from Santa Fe. Can't wait to get home again and sleep in my own bed!


  1. There's no place like home! I'm drooling over all the talavera--only place I've seen around here is at Marshalls!

  2. In New Mexico restaurants often ask if you prefer red or green chile sauce. If you want both your reply is "Christmas".

  3. Home again, home again, jiggedy jigg. Ahhhhhhhhhhh. Ann, Jackalope has loads of talavera and other items we see down in Mexico. drgeo, I had Christmas sauce on my tamales. Yum!

  4. Beautiful photos! And of course more talavera that I would LOVE to have. I'm jealous that you had tamales- one of my very favorites! We used to have a door-to-door tamale salesman every Monday night in the very small town in Texas where I lived for my first 12 1/2 years - great memories! Hard to find here in NC!


  5. Ann, Arizona and New Mexico provide a lot of buying opportunities for imports from Mexico and Latin America. I have to hold myself back. drgeo, had the tamales with Christmas sauce at La Fonda in Santa Fe. Wonderful!
