Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mile High Gardens

Since the weather in Phoenix was supposed to be toasty today, Craig and I took a little roadtrip to a spot two hours from home that has approximately the same elevation as Denver. The flowers were amazing. I'll have more posts later about today's adventure, but here's a sneak peak of the flora.


  1. Poppies & roses are 2 of my favorite flowers...thanks for sharing!

  2. That 1st giant, pink flower is GORGEOUS!!! What is it?

    P.S. Finally started posting on my blog!

    Snorkel Goddess

  3. Ann, some people down the street have beautiful roses and they seem to thrive in this hot desert climate. Go figure!

    Linda, I'm not sure what that big pink flower is. I bet Ann knows! It's my favorite!

    I'll put a link to your blog on here! Can't wait to check it out!
