Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Guess the location! Oops! This was supposed to be wordless. : )


  1. I know it's not Isla, so I'm guessing Yelapa? Cool & refreshing!

  2. Ann, it's Sayulita, north of Puerto Vallarta. We went up there on a daytrip. The place has kind of a surfer dude vibe.

  3. Ah yes - Sayulita. I recognize the hills with the houses. And the beach. We had lunch at a great restaurant on the beach - and while my friends were laying on the beach I walked around town and the town square and bought my second piece of Huichol bead art - a gorgeous coyote. Very much a hippy/surfer vibe there.


  4. Still trying to figure out how to make a wordless comment!

  5. Good one jeanie! drgeo, ha! And Jeanne, the bridge into the main part of town was out, so we wandered from where the bus dropped us off. We finally found the temporary metal bridge that led to the other side with the zocalo and beach. I didn't spend enough time in the shops there!

  6. This was a vendor set up in the zocalo - he had a lot of the Huichol art - at that point in the trip I needed to watch how much I was spending so only got the one piece, but I love it!


  7. Jeanne, I bought some beaded earrings and a bracelet from Huichols in Yelapa. The prices were cheap. I should have been looking at some of the vendor tables in other places since direct seems to be the way to buy!
