Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Other Mango!

Craig and I have officially designated Friday as our Fun Day. So far the event has been my version of fun as opposed to his. Ha! We kicked off yesterday afternoon with lunch before proceeding directly to the antique stores. After we'd ordered and were waiting on our food, Craig pointed out that we were once again at the Mango. That is -- the other Mango! Downtown Mesa instead of Isla Mujeres!

I noticed the tropical decor before Craig pointed out the Mango connection.

We arrived early and claimed our table before the work crowd rushed in.

My Killer Burrito enchilada style was wonderful, and I killed it!

Craig opted for the Huevos con Chorizo off the breakfast menu and said it was also very good.

After polishing off our viddles, we were off and running. More to come later about the antique oddities! Craig is planning our next Fun Day as I write. A drive to somewhere with skunks, mountain lions, bear, deer, and squirrels. Sounds like an Arizona political rally?


  1. Damn that food looks good! Makes me hungry! Great looking place!


  2. Just found your blog ..I lived in Arizona during the 70s and have visited there many time, the last time about 2 years ago. Love Sedona although they are over developing it. It seemed better back in the 70s. Do I sound old saying that lol
    I will start following you

  3. Jeanne and jeanie, the food was good! I love burritos enchilada style.

    JIM, Sedona has gotten way overdeveloped. I used to think it'd be a great higher elevation place to live in the Southwest, but it'd be a summer nightmare if you were a local. We visited the first time back in the 90's and it's gone nuts since then. They built a new divided parkway from the Oak Creek area to downtown Sedona that's helped the traffic a bit. Glad you found my blog!
