Saturday, April 30, 2011

Meet Me At the Wigwam!

We're on the road. We took a slight detour today when we noticed this old motel on Route 66 in Holbrook, Arizona. I think I'll pass on staying at the Wigman, but how fun would that have been as a kid to have stayed in a teepee motel room! We saw a maid's cart outside one of the wigwams, so they're obviously for rent. The owner has a collection of old cars sitting in the parking lot. Wouldn't mind having that bright blue baby with the fins!

We're headed to Santa Fe tomorrow and it's supposed to be snowing??? Hmmmmmm.


  1. I've seen stories about this motel--even Oprah & Gayle stopped there on one of their adventures--Oprah wouldn't stay there because there were no windows!

  2. Did I spot a white Studebaker? Woo hoo!

    If you behave like princess Oprah did on her road trip, then you must be consistent and give us all a new car at journey's end. Better to be a happy camper!

  3. LOL It was driving me nuts! Thanks Ann! I though someone blogged about it.

  4. I've seen this on the internet, so cool! Loved your pics. The old cars are gorgeous. How fun. And yes, to what Dr Geo said. ;)

  5. Very cool Beck! I lived in Texas my first 12 1/2 years - 50 miles from Houston. We had a Tee Pee motel in a town 14 miles from where I lived!


  6. I'm a big Route 66 fan and did the run between St. Louis and Oklahoma City with my son. Even he enjoyed it. I really want to do New Mexico because I know some of the old landmarks still the Wigwam hotel. Very cool. (Although I don't know if I'd want to stay there, either! Haha!)
