Monday, April 25, 2011

Feliz Cumpleanos!

Someone had a big birthday. We celebrated all last week, but I didn't say anything on the blog. Craig always said he wanted to retire in his 50's, so he barely made it -- just under the wire! Michael arrives home today, so that's when the real fun starts. I predict plenty of golf!

We celebrated his birthday with dinner at his favorite Italian restaurant and some carrot cake at home. And no, I didn't grate carrots for hours to produce a carrot cake. That's why God invented Fresh and Easy!

Earlier on that special day, we got up early so he could open his present. And no silly, this isn't his present! It's just a cool motorcycle in the parking lot at Joe's Farm Grill where we went for breakfast.

I'm sure Craig would choose the breakfast special anyday over a Navy blue and leather hog!

Happy 60th Craig!


  1. Happy Birthday to Craig! Will be nice to meet him in June!

  2. Let's see, retired (check),scintillating company(check), several functioning vehicles(check), appreciative offspring (check), several sets of impending travel plans (check), carrot cake (check).... no wonder the guy is smiling!

  3. Happy Birthday and Happy Retirement, Craig!

  4. Thanks everyone! I'll pass the best wishes on to him.

  5. I hope Craig really enjoys retirement! I'm sure we'll get to read about all kinds of sea-glass expeditions!!!


  6. happy new decade & I'll be there soon myself. enjoy your free time!
