Monday, March 7, 2011

Meatball Saturday

What to do on a Saturday afternoon when there's no beach? We could sit by the 50 degree pool basking in the Arizona sun working on our sun damage, but we'd spent the entire morning in the sun chopping back torched shrubs. We could take an antique mall trek in search of my mission oak library table, but that idea was vetoed by Craig. So we quickly decided on the obvious --lunch.

We settled on Rigatoni's, an Italian restaurant with a great outdoor dining area -- perfect for a sunny day with temps in the high 70's.

We ordered lunch specials that started with house salads and wonderful garlic bread.

Craig's lasagna definitely scored 9 out of 10 points. (I should know since I stuck my fork in first.)

Dat's a spicey meatball! I ordered the spaghetti with one mega meatball in marinara sauce and it was quite tastey! All my Italian friends who cook insist they never order spaghetti and meatballs in an Italian restaurant because theirs are better. I don't know about that. That dish was mighty fine!


  1. If I read your blog with just one eye, will I gain less weight?

    " Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death!" --Auntie Mame

  2. Oh, to see the 70's again--we got more snow today! And we've been dealing with 14' of water in Alan's parents house basement!(just about all pumped out now) The food looks yummy!

  3. Wow! Even though I don't eat meat...that lasagna looks mighty fine! The salad and bread look amazing. Is that a bowl of garlic butter for dipping?

  4. drgeo, the past few months haven't been conducive to weight loss. I've fallen off the wagon and rolled down the hill. Ann, I can't even imagine the winter you've had! It was bad enough down here with a lot of overnight low's in the 20's that killed the tropical landscaping. We're not fans of the four months of unbearable heat, but we'd rather do that now than snow and cold. Jeanie, that's olive oil for dipping the bread. Try the penne puttanesca (no meat)at Roma when you're on Isla!

  5. What a pretty outdoor area at the restaurant. We don't have a lot of those, I guess because it's either too hot or too cold for most people to be outside most of the time in Texas! Looks yummy!
