Thursday, March 31, 2011

Just Chillaxin

Don't even ask me where I got that word! Chillaxin. Actually, it's slang acquired from the j.o.b. When I stumbled across it the first time, I wanted to take a red pen to it and mark away, but after seeing it repeatedly, I consulted the urban dictionary. Anyway, it's a good description of life in Arizona right now.

The weather's finally sterling with warm days and cool nights, mornings spent listening to the coos of morning doves and calls of songbirds through the open windows, and wildflower and jackrabbit sightings in the regional park across the road. For the past few years, I've missed the best time of year in Arizona because I've been cooped up in an office, so I'm loving this year's spring weather.

The view from the chillaxin chair. Craig replaced the pygmy palm in the background and I spent hours cutting the dead stems and leaves out of the frostbitten plants. We're finally seeing green, so the work paid off!

A pan of succulents.

We planted this new patio pot with an Indian laurel (a type of ficus) and impatiens.

The creamy white blossoms on the grapefruit tree smell amazing right now!

The birds of paradise were the first plants to bloom after the cold winter. Amazingly enough, they weren't damaged by all the frosts!

These bottlebrush plants made it through the cold winter and are loaded with blooms! They must have liked the chill.

And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm back to chillaxin!


  1. So nice to see some color somewhere on the 1st of April! We got snow, but not anywhere near what was predicted! But they're now saying 68 for next week--we can only pray!

  2. Your yard is absolutely stunning Beck. What a pleasure it must be to just sit and enjoy no matter what you call it.

  3. You've unwittingly invented a perfect place to be chillaxin, Becky. Arizona seems to agree with you more than Seattle. No water, but lots of sun. I'd make that trade-off, too, if I had to. I think. Hmmmm...must think about that some more!

  4. Gorgeous! I could definitely chill there!

