Monday, March 14, 2011

Another Bridge

It's time to cross another one of those big bridges in life. You know, one of those long high ones that leads from life as we know it to the ??? on the other side. I'm just hoping the girders and decking on this one are solid.

My usual style is to try and float from one stage to the next in life not obsessing over the what if's. Excessive drama doesn't really change anything, it just creates -- more drama! But I'll admit that I keep waking up in the middle of the night thinking about this movie! (It's a link -- you can click on it!) Didn't the wife DIE before Schmidt took off on his whirlwind retirement trip?!!!

Life is short, and I can't afford to waste another minute of it. I guess that's the tidbit of information to be gleaned from this movie. (I'm trying to ignore the Who is this old woman who lives in my house? line.)

Have you guessed it yet? Craig is retiring -- on Friday!

I just started my new project on Friday (timing is everything?), so the frivolity and our next beach trip will have to wait until May.

Meanwhile, if anyone sees Craig wandering around the R.V. lot, send him home!


  1. Congrats to Craig! We were having a retiremant discussion today...Alan thinks they will be closing their business within the next year or so, so he's deciding what he might do...and then we decided if we could a halfway decent flight ( price) we would go to Isla in June! Yay!

  2. Ann, we might see you there if I find some good fares! Craig just mentioned to me on the phone that we need to plan our next trip. We've already talked about the end of June into July.

  3. Wonderful news!!!!! I am so happy for you and Craig!

  4. Yeah for Craig - hope he enjoys every single moment.

  5. Congrats to Craig! That's great!


  6. Yay for Craig! I'm jealous. I want to retire. I thought I was retired once, but then I got divorced and had to go back to work. hee hee.

  7. Congratulations to Craig! I wish I was there. I'm in Merida as I write this, toying with the idea of moving here some day??? Yikes! So much to think about. Heading to Isla on Wednesday. Good luck with the doesn't look like the economy is going to get much better in the near future which definitely has an effect on future plans.

  8. WOW! How exciting! Congrats to Craig.

    Isla at the end of June is a must (for you too Ann!) - we will buy Craig a retirement Sol!


  9. I'll pass the congrats to Craig. He's working through Friday and then he's outta there. Too bad we can't celebrate with an immediate whirlwind trip, but it'll wait until June! (Meanwhile, I'm making a list in my head of all the little chores I can make him do around here. HA!)

    Deb, you always sneak down there under the radar! Have a wonderful time in Merida and on Isla!
    And the Isla reunion is on for June! Jana, you need to pull yourself away from Santa Fe for another smackdown!

  10. Wonderful! I thought Craig looked so gosh darn happy in your recent Isla photos -- he knew then?!

  11. Jane, he'd been planning on retiring sometime in the next year. He finally got busy and did the math and figured out he should just seize the day now!

  12. I'm recalling all those trips where Craig returned to place his nose to the grindstone and you remained on Isla for an extra week. Perhaps now he should go on ahead and make sure all your pillows are plumped up? It's always good to have an advance team, you know. to rehearse the brass band greeting you at the ferry and make sure the crowds all have rose petals to toss your way. Hooray for Craig!

  13. drgeo, I should delete your comment so he doesn't get any ideas if he sees it! LOL!

  14. Congratulations to Craig! I am so jealous but have several more years to go even if all goes well. What a feeling!
