Sunday, February 13, 2011

What I Learned on My Isla Vacation.

Every trip to Isla, I pick up a few new tidbits. Here are five little pearls from this past trip.

1. There are bats on Isla. Yes, bats. I was so worried about bats in the palapa in Yelapa and never saw one. On Isla, where I've never heard of bats, we had bats in our palapa at Villa La Joya. I'd noticed something strange one evening at dusk while dozing in the hammock. Something fluttering about. Later that night, Craig asked me what a combination butterfly/bird type creature could be? Hmmmmmm. A bat! They really weren't that freaky.

2. Tim Pho is the Mayan word for laundry. When I cabbed into town in the evenings, I'd usually tell the driver to drop me at Tim Pho since traffic now goes into town on Juarez. One night a friendly driver with English explained that he was Mayan and the term Tim Pho is actually the Mayan term for a lavanderia. I'd always thought there was a man named Tim Pho on Isla!

3. Kayaking isn't for me! I resolved to kayak this trip. I envisioned us kayaking all over the island, stopping at Playa Lancheros for lunch . . . . Ha! That free kayak at Villa La Joya was not built for a person with lower back problems. After several excruciating minutes in that double kayak, I was perched up out of that damn seat begging Craig to get me back to shore as quickly as possible. Craig said most people who have their own kayaks have more ergonomically correct ones with back rests. Ouch ouch ouch.

4. We're most at home in that studio at Luna Turquesa. We've slept all around the island, but we always return there. The infinity view from the bed, the little windows above the sliders that make it safe to hear the sound of the crashing waves all night long, the front porch where we can sit and watch the island pass by, the rooftop with the incredible views of the sunset -- what's not to love!

5. I should have learned to use the new Flip video camera before the trip. I returned home with a motley collection of bad film clips. Here's a short clip I took from the ferry. I think a lot of my friends who haven't traveled to Isla Mujeres think those photos I take from the boat are color enhanced. Here's proof that the color of the water really is that shockingly beautiful shade of azul!


  1. I really worried about bats when I bought my house! They were visible in the neighborhood. I guess they moved south!

  2. Isn't Luna Turquesa the location of the famous Catz party? If so, I thought those upstairs studios would be great, so glad to hear they are! Will most likely stay there our next trip!


  3. I was going to suggest inflatable kayak seats, but then I remembered you wouldn't be able to save Craig's life unless you were ensconced in a lifeguard perch veranda. Perhaps with an adult beverage.

  4. LMAO! I had never really thought about it but I guess I assumed Tim Pho was an Asian man who owned the laundromat. That is hysterical!

  5. Zina, other people that live out by Garrafon confirmed there are bats. I had a total phobia about them, but it didn't really bother me when they flew around.

    Linda, Catz did have a party at Luna Turquesa. It's my favorite place on Isla, especially in the hot months. I bet it's 10 degrees cooler in the afternoon there than in town.

    drgeo, I'm not sure there'd be a kayak comfortable enough for my back.

    And Jana, I thought Mr. Pho was a Chinese man with a laundry, but wondered how he'd ever landed on Isla!

  6. Kayaking...are you serious??? The most exercise I want to do on Isla is walking to the beach and/or lifting a cerveza to my mouth. (Well...maybe snorkeling.) I tip my hat to you! Haha!

  7. Deb, keep your hat on your head. HA! I didn't even last 5 minutes! I'll stick to walking!

  8. we saw a moth (a famous moth of death) that was the size of a bat. they have come into our house

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