Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Scenes From a Table

Craig and I are so predictable. We often end up at the same restaurant, even same table, in the early afternoon on Isla Mujeres. I'll just let the photos do the talking and see if you can guess the location!


  1. You're at Picus or one of those places along the water. Our favorite along there is Minino's, great view of sunset and lots of pelicans and other birds flying and perching to capture my interest. Love the feeling of feet in the sand.

  2. Cocktelaria Picus was my guess too!

    (could be Velasquez also)


  3. If it were Minnios there would be a photo of the marimba brothers.

  4. Close! I think I zoomed that first photo and that threw everyone off. We were at Mocambo's, the first dock restaurant next to the Puerto Juarez ferry dock. We didn't eat at Picus this trip! Now I have to come back soon!

  5. Boy, I sure love your food photos! I tend to get half way through a meal before I remember to take a photo, and then it's a mess!

    Thank you for your sweet comment about my article. I'm SOOOO crazy for yours too!

  6. The food looks wonderful! I'll have to remember the restaurant.

