Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Paz y Tranquilidad

I wandered through the Isla cemetery several times this trip. I have a fascination with Mexican cemeteries, so colorful in comparison to the marble and grey granite found in the United States. I also find the love and tending given to the graves of family and friends south of the border so touching. Paint, memorabilia, flowers, and items left purposefully to symbolize the deceased's life.

One trend I don't much care for is that the cemetery now seems to be on a map of sights to see on the island. They must hand out a list with a golfcart rental. One day after lunch I peeked in and immediately turned around and left. Lines of daytrippers crowded the cemetery snapping photos, trooping around trying to find Mundaca's grave, and yelling back and forth at friends. I know I go in and I take photos, but I try to maintain respect for the islanders and their loved ones. I creep in and out quietly because I feel like a trespasser when I pass through the gates. The crowd of daytrippers seemed over the top. They need one of those shushing angels right at the gate.

I'd never noticed this grave before. So fitting for a fisherman setting sail on his next journey.

This little angel seems to have attitude with the crossed arms and body language.


  1. At first I thought my monument should be a giant concrete flat screen TV, but now I'm not certain my Slingplayer will transmit a signal all the way to my vantage point at the earth's core. Anyone know of an asbestos remote?

  2. drgeo, lmao! Some things I see in that cemetery, I wonder about. Are they symbolic of the person's life on earth, or perhaps left behind cleaning supplies. Don't know!

  3. How very disrespectful of those tourists! I certainly think the blame lies with the people distributing the map. Next time you go, maybe you can find out what group it is, and respectfully tell them what you have observed as a result. I bet they will quit, if they are actually Islenos with family in the cemetery.


  4. Linda, I'm not sure someone's put the cemetery on a list of things to see on the island -- I'm just guessing that since I saw a steady stream of daytrippers in January. I'm sure Islenos know it because they see who goes in and out, so if they see it as a problem, they'll do something. We actually walked into the new cemetery out south one morning and there's a caretaker at the gate there. He was very nice and told us it was okay to go in.
