Friday, February 4, 2011

Man on a Box!

Regulars thought Hidalgo seemed dead last week on Isla Mujeres, but as low season people, we thought the street was in high gear! When we're usually on the island in June/July or October/November, many of the street acts and singers have disappeared since they probably don't make enough in donations to pay for their room and board.

One night I sat at Roma with my bowl of penne puttanesca (quite good!) trying to eat quickly so I could get away from the man belting out show tunes in the key of flat accompanied by his loud keyboard. New York New York? Just what I want to hear when I'm in Mexico! People at the back of the inside of the restaurant were whooping it up applauding and cheering. I'm guessing they were his personal posse, but I noticed they sat as far away from the noise as they could possibly get!

Later the same night, I sat at Tacos Medina chatting with a friend. The deafening drums and tumbling act (not sure if it was the Aztecs or the Fire Boys) showed up next door to perform in front of The Girl Bar. Give me Javi and Banda Sin Nombre or Chucho anyday, but combine it all, and Hidalgo turns into one big cacaphony! It's a zoo!

One of the acts I'd never seen before is a short man who pulls his little wooden box out in front of Faynes and dances. He alternates between wearing a white and black outfit, and when he's in the black outfit, he pulls out the knives!

Here's a video clip of him on one of his white nights!

When he dances, dogs howl and diners cover their ears. The taps on his shoes are fairly deafening if you're seated close. I asked Alex at Faynes about the man and he said he's from Veracruz. One more addition to the nightly Hidalgo entertainment zoo!


  1. Actually, he is from Chiapas. Been around a few years. Used to dance a folk dance with his wife. She had a baby last year but I see she is back with him this year.
    On another note, defamation laws are quite strict here and really enforced. Be careful what you say about people and accuse them of.

  2. Point taken Wayne. I edited. But that fact speaks volumes to me about what I've seen written lately on message boards since I'm sure the owner is aware of that fact?

    Maybe Alex was telling me that the type of dance was from Veracruz? I didn't notice the wife on the nights we were on Hidalgo, but then again, I don't get out much!

  3. I've only seen the edited version, so don't know what Wayne thought was defamatory. Apparently Beck thought she had been less gracious than is her custom, because she voluntarily edited for better precision in wording.
    What fascinates me is Wayne's idea that a blog published in the USA would be subject to the laws of Mexico because it could be accessed there. Wayne was once a lawyer, so perhaps he knows international law. But would that also mean, for example, that Mr Mubarak of Egypt could sue the NY Times blog for defamation? Lucky for Beck, Arizona is mostly lawless and subject only to the vagaries of the Old West! It would be very difficult for any blogger to abide by the laws in EVERY nation, no matter how well intentioned.

  4. Postscript: on more than one blog originating on Isla, I've read lately about an alleged camera thief who is an alleged crack addict. And an alleged property manager committing alleged fraud. So perhaps Wayne is wise to advise caution in all things. Allegedly!

  5. I think the caution was wise. Even if I might be beyond Mexican law and actually U.S. law since Arizona is now trying to get that insane new law passed in its legislature, there's no sense making yourself a target of someone particularly nasty. Sometimes I do forget that what I put on the internet is recorded for eternity.

  6. And I might add, it was a little out of character for me. I'm off my pills now. LOL!

  7. Of course, now I'm curious! Anyway - don't know if I'd be crazy with all the loud action with the entertainers - I agree, I'd rather have the quieter local ones.

  8. Anonymous, I removed a comment about a particular unsavory character I'd named. January was busy enough for me. I like the island when it's slow and tranquilo.

  9. Much ado about nothing Beck. You made a casual remark about someone. Defamation????? Get a life Gringo and mind your own blog.

  10. Jeanie, Gringo's a friend and I took the helpful advice in the spirit I think he intended.
