Monday, January 31, 2011

It's a Wrap!

Just when I'd got my sealegs and was finally into a daily routine and used to being solo, it's time to go home! Five days ago, I literally was ready to go. Now not so much! I'll catch the 1:00 p.m. ferry and will soon be on my way back to Phoenix. My flight gets in late tonight, so Saby will have to spend another night at Dog Bone Ranch.

Yesterday, I spent the afternoon wandering El Centro. I finally tried Dopi's across the street from Sancochos. Gringo had posted on his blog that those burritos were fantastic, and OMG! That gives me something else to crave until my next trip! Craig's gonna kill me because he'd been wanting to try the place and I just wasn't in the mood for another burrito. Maybe he won't read my blog. You've got to try Dopi's! Put it on your list. I want this place to be here on my next trip! Dopi's Dopi's Dopi's!!!

The Chipotle Chicken Burrito!

After catching up with some friends, I wandered the streets shooting some last minute photos and ended up down by the docks. I love Sunday's on Isla because all the locals are out enjoying their time at the beach. Somebody must have been chillin' in this hammock earlier!

I ended up down at the pier just in time to catch a photo of the sunset. It was a beauty!

I wish I could transpot myself instantly to my house in Arizona, but maybe I'll finish that book I've been reading on my flight and get all my photos edited!

Hasta luego!


  1. Safe travels home, mi amiga!!!

  2. Have a safe trip home, looking forward to more of your fabulous pics!
    Karen in OH

  3. That burrito looks fabulous! I'd love to have one right now!

    Great sunset photo! Have a safe trip home!


  4. Hope your trip home is going well, Becky!

  5. Isn't it amazing how fast the time goes? You want to do so much...and yet you want to do nothing. The twain shall never meet on Isla. Have a safe journey home.

  6. Thanks everyone. Picked up Saby and let her have most of a sausage egg McMuffin. She's exhausted from running with all the other dogs. Must unpack, go through mail, clean the house, buy some groceries, and I'm just sitting here. HA!
