Wednesday, January 26, 2011

From the Bally Hoo Chair

One of my favorites places to eat on Isla is Bally Hoo. I've always wondered where the place got the name, so I tried Wikipedia to see if ballyhoo really is the name of a small fish. I was able to quickly eliminate the song option because I doubt it's named after an Eddie Arnold tune! And yes, I found the Ballyhoo fish!

Anyway, Bally Hoo has the most comfortable dining chairs on the island, and the food's also pretty dang good. It's a great place to watch all the action at the marina and docks. On a hot day, it's also one of the best cool dining options. If it's a Norte day, take a sweater!

One of the best seats on Isla!

The marina.

All kinds of boats!

The Isla waterfront.

Simple panga below my chair.

And my favorite, the shrimp tacos with tamarindo sauce.


  1. Oh, good Lord, you are killing me. You were not only at one of my FAVE restaurants, but fave table and you had my fave dish. My mouth is watering. My only consolation is that I will be there in a few days!!!!!

  2. One of my favorite places to sit on a hot afternoon - nice breeze, nice view, good food. Thanks for the pics.

  3. OH my word do I ever miss that place! Loving your daily post from the isla, I can't wait to get back but will have to....50th birthday trip with my two best friends of 35yrs. who also turn 50 in June!

  4. Ooop, that anonymous is me Karen in OH.....couldn't remember my google name and password!

  5. I also like sitting at Bally Hoo. Very relaxing with that nice breeze.

  6. Those tacos look fabulous! I would love to have some right now!

