Saturday, January 22, 2011

Chocolate Temptation

Oh geez! We were driving round and round yesterday afternoon trying to burn the tires off the golfcart when I suddenly remembered that somewhere I'd read about a new bakery in the colonias that had wonderful cakes. So we drove north along the main divided street in La Gloria and didn't find it. Then we turned around and drove south. And suddenly, there it was! Dulce Tentacion!

Why I failed to get a photo of the bakery case is beyond me, but it probably had something to do with gluttony. It all looked wonderful! We decided on two chocolate brownies and polished them off on our way into town to view the sunset from Playa Norte.

These weren't the first baked goods consumed on this trip. We've also been making evening runs past Emmanuel's Bakery in La Gloria for cookies and rolls. Today we move farther in towards town, so maybe distance and no golfcart will be a healthy alternative for me. At least I'll have to hike a few miles to buy a brownie!


  1. Now I know why Islenos balance baskets on their heads as they walk along--- the baskets are full of brownies! Plus it helps develop poise. What 's the name of your new digs?

  2. Drgeo, people better watch out if they have baskets full of brownies! I might get aggressive! I probably won't disclose my new location until later since we're not in a hotel. If I can find your email, I'll send you a note. : )

  3. Beck!
    You always take some of the most unique photos. You have a photographers eye for the unusual.
    What camera do you use?

    Not that the camera would make a difference in your artistic ability.

  4. Hey Doogan! Great to hear from you! I use a Lumix 14 MegaPixel. Hope you're doing well!
