Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sayulita Six Pack!

Wedding remains.

Love this slightly droopy umbrella!

Funky beach chairs.

Sayulita door.

Mural by the bus stop.

Beach house for rent.


  1. Love the mural--nice to look at sand instead of the snow we have!

  2. Ann, that sand is the other white stuff. The white stuff we want to see. Less than a month for both of us! I hadn't experienced snow in almost two years until I was in Kansas City a few weeks ago. That was enough for me. My blood has definitely thinned out and I'm not up to the cold!

  3. I used to want to go to Sayulita, and I love the photos, but your blog has made me also think about San Sebastian. I'm still reading your blog, Becky, and will do better about commenting.

  4. Beck you really have a very artistic eye with your photos - I know you hear that a lot but they are wonderful!

    I enjoyed our afternoon at Sayulita - ate a a wonderful beach front restaurant and while my friends fried in the sun I went walking into the down square. Beautiful place - but don't think I'd want to stay there my whole trip. Is great for a day trip like you did though! And so easy from Bucerias.


  5. Thanks Vee and Jeanne! Vee, I think San Sebastion is definitely worth an overnight if not two. Jeanne, I feel the same way you do about Sayulita. Nice place for a daytrip, but the vibe is way too surfer dude/Rasta cool for my liking. We actually got a little lost after we got off the bus and didn't find the temporary footbridge and main part of Sayulita until we'd wandered in the opposite direction. I'd originally looked into booking there for the week, but I was really pleased with Bucerias as a jumping off point.
