Friday, December 3, 2010

In Yelapa!

Settling in -- or trying to! We've been in Yelapa two nights and I'm still a little goosey about possible invaders, whether they be of the human form or animal. It's all wide open with no screens, and there's actually one point by the kitchen sink where someone could easily crawl in from ground level. I guess I'm still thinking Isla Mujeres where I wouldn't dream of sleeping in a dwelling with all the windows wide open!

Neighbors are close. So close, in fact, that Craig's peeing in the middle of the night sets off the chihuahua next door. I love the sounds of the village. Birds squawking, babies crying, the waves pounding on the rocks, church bells ringing, people walking by yelling senor, senor trying to get our attention for a fishing or horseback trip, etc... I'll admit to getting the heebie jeebies at 1:30 a.m. listening to things that go bump in the night. Maybe tonight I'll take one of those sleeping pills my doctor prescribed when I was going through my little health problems several months ago.

Craig's just fine with everything. He looks out the huge wide open windows and says -- Look at that squirrel in the tree! His tail is bigger than his body. I in turn say, Is he coming in?!!! But so far, no sightings of the dreaded scorpions. The biggest danger in Yelapa seems to be stepping in a big pile of horse or dog poop on the pathways!

Here's a list of what we've been doing so far in Yelapa:

The ride down here was quite a thrill! Kind of like an extended water ride at Six Flags. They said the swells were bigger than normal on Wednesday due to a storm in the Baja. But todo bien. I did fine and didn't feed the fish.

This morning, we walked out to the point towards the opening to the bay where we saw buzzards on the rocks, watched two whales breaching, looked at beaded Indian artwork for sale, saw Just Married flip flop imprints in the sand, and picked up a little bit of seaglass. Then we ate a late breakfast at the Bahia Cafe down at the main village dock and walked upriver as far as a small settlement. I have no idea whether the village was still part of Yelapa or a different settlement, but there was a blue footbridge that crossed the Yelapa River there.

Now we're eating a late lunch at the Bahia Cafe so we can use the free WiFi. It's slower than watching paint dry, so I won't be loading any photos. But I can tell you Yelapa is just a photographer's wonderland!

Yesterday we spent part of the day at the main beach and watched daytrippers getting their photos taken with Pedro the Iguana and buying pie from the two Pie Ladies. We bought a piece of chocolate and it was to die for! Last night we had dinner at Tacos y Mas. Panko scallops, panko shrimp, and the best piece of flan we've ever eaten in Mexico!

More to come!


  1. Lucky for you, peeing at night is a good way to keep scorpions at bay. I recommend you bring Craig lots of relaxing beverages all evening--it's for your own safety!

  2. Geez Beck, I'm on my way to bed and I thought I'd check in because I'm enjoying your trip so much.

    It's going to have to wait till tomorrow. I'm giggling so hard I woke myself up.

  3. I can't wait to see the photos! Sounds wonderful!


  4. Can't wait for the photos! Always great to discover new places--thanks for taking us along!
