Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

I can't believe another year has passed! It could be my imagination, but time seems to speed up as one ages. I won't go into a list of New Year's resolutions for 2011 because I've been working on the same ones for the past 30-some years with mixed success. I did see a great Powerpoint the other day. Basically, the theme was to live well and seize the day.

In other words, live like Saby! She's 90-plus in people years and still gets her smile on everyday.

She pounces at every opportunity for happiness, whether it's a mundane neighborhood walk, ride in the car, or a new adventure.

She sets time aside everyday to play.

And even if it's a bad hair day, she just ties on a scarf and forgets about it!

Sage advice from Saby: Seize the moments of happiness in each and every day! Feliz Ano Nuevo to all! Hope it's a Happy 2011!


  1. Same to you--hope to meet you in a few weeks!

  2. Happy Happy Becky.

    We'll also be on Isla on the 10th so maybe we'll run into you (I'll watch out for the gal with all the sea glass)!!

    Carol from Michigan

  3. Happy New Year Vee! Carol, I'll be there from January 15 to 31, so hope to run into you! And yes, you will probably see me and my aching back picking up seaglass over on the Caribe side. (Love the area below the malecon in the mornings!)

  4. Leave some for me. I get there the day after you leave!!!

  5. Jana, I'll try to be thoughtful and generous, leaving some choice pieces for you. But it's not really in my nature! HA! Actually,I should leave a message in a bottle for you and see if you find it! : )

  6. You are likely too busy cataloging sea glass (need it, got it, got it, need it...) so here's a New Year's Resolution machine for your increased time management:

  7. Happy New Year, Beck. Maybe one of these days, we'll meet up on Isla. Have a great trip!

  8. Words to live by! Saby is a friggin' adorable role model!

    And, you are not imagining things! Time definitely goes by faster the older you get. I wonder if there's a cut-off in old age when time starts slowing down again....probably wishful thinking.

    Wishing you all the best in the New Year!
