Sunday, November 28, 2010

Old Mexico

Truly old Mexico! Today Craig and I traveled the mountains with our guide Gustavo to San Sebastion, a town that dates back 500 years to the time of the Spanish conquistadors. We toured a tequila distillery, a coffee plantation, and combed the narrow cobblestone callejons of San Sebastion during our long day. Walking the narrow cobblestone paths, we felt like we were in Europe! Here's a sneak preview. Today was the first time I've ever filled up the memory card on my camera and run my battery out in one day.

Poinsettias grow wild in the jungle surrounding San Sebastion.

Walking the narrow cobblestone streets.

A friend joined me for lunch after greeting me repeatedly with Hola!

A local man riding his horse to town stops to explain what he's carrying in his bag.

A burro peaks over the wall by the narrow cobblestone street.

Flowers thrive in the cool mountain air.

The San Sebastion cemetery.


  1. Can't wait for more--these are great photos!

  2. Looks like a wonderful place. Can't wait to see more!

  3. Reminds me of Miguel's pictures of the town in Oaxaca where he grew up. So different than Isla but I'm guessing just as much fun!

  4. What a fascinating place!!! The man on the horse looks like he is in a movie. I'm loving this trip Beck!

  5. Thanks everyone! I'm still partial to Isla, but we're seeing new things on this trip. It's more about touring than the beach. I have strange tan lines from spending more time in clothes than a swimsuit!

  6. Beautiful! Is that Juan Valdez on the donkey?? Love the pics. More!

  7. Beautiful Photos! I'm so glad you are having a good trip. Don't know if you will get this comment before I show up, but I'll be arriving in Yelapa on Friday for the weekend. Will seek you out!!

  8. So, what was he carrying in the bag? :)
    Loving your reports, as usual!
