Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Movie Time!

In keeping with my Hawaiian theme, here's the trailer to the movie I watched this afternoon, Princess Kaiulani. Gorgeous cinematography! It details the history of Hawaii's end as a sovereign nation and the life of Princess Kaiulani.

And here's the trailer to a movie that I'd love to see if only I could find the DVD or a screening! It chronicles the Taylor Camp, a hippy encampment on Kauai's Northshore that began in 1969. It was called the Taylor Camp because Howard Taylor, Elizabeth's brother, allowed the group to settle on his land in the area of what is now Haena State Park. I heard about the movie several years ago before it was released and had basically forgotten about it until Island Nana mentioned visiting the Taylor Camp in 1970 when she was on Kauai in her comments yesterday. I googled the movie, and it's mainly being shown in the Hawaiian islands. Nothing on Netflix or Blockbuster, so I guess I'm have to figure out how to purchase the DVD online! (Unless Craig wants to give me a ticket to Kauai for Christmas? And that would be doubtful!)

Here's a website that explains more about the Taylor Camp. The music from the movie also sounds great, so I think I'll definitely put this on my Christmas List!


  1. Let me know if you find that Taylor Camp film. That visit marked a turning point in my life. My first husband and I were on Kauai working for a defense contractor. We had our little kids with us too. Kent State happened while we were there, and when I sat at the pool with the other wives and children and heard them say, "they got what they deserved, dirty pinko hippies", my head got turned around.

    We both became involved in anti-war work after that trip (losing our "top secret" clearances, but not our jobs).

  2. Aloha and thanks for sharing! We have a producers rep who asked us to take the DVD ordering off our main website while they are submitting to potential distributors. The DVD is available at or at

    Thanks and Blessings,
    Robert Stone, Directot

  3. We were in Honolulu while they were filming Princess Kaiulani and got to walk around the grounds of the Iolani Palace while it was decorated as a film set. Mostly they spread shredded garden mulch on the asphalt roads, hung paper lanterns from the trees, and tried to obscure the electric lines. I'll be interested seeing what it looks like on film.
    My father was stationed on Oahu for several years directly after Pearl Harbor in WW II. His patrol camped on the beach at Waimea Bay for 2 weeks while they strung the first ever telephone lines into the neighborhood. He remembered when there were no roads circling the island, just a single train track.
