Sunday, September 12, 2010

Another Saturday

We slept with the windows open last night! The early mornings have suddenly turned decent. Saby can now take a pleasant 8 a.m. stroll as opposed to a hurry up and get her out there stifling 6 a.m. fast walk. No more blazing asphalt for her tootsies! The daytime highs are still in the low 100's, but we can see that light at the end of the tunnel now that the overnight temps are dropping into the high 60's and low-70's.

I decided to have a little blog Picnik after our Saturday chore of whacking the backyard jungle. I wish I could insert one of the scenes below as my view! If only we had an ocean out our backdoor. In fact, I told Craig we should get one of those sound recordings of ocean waves and play it on the stereo when we're in the pool. Maybe we could convince ourselves! But I guess we'll have to settle for Eddie Vedder and a few palm trees for now. Love this song!

Using the Holga button on Picnik seems a lot easier than using a Holga and sending off the film! I'm not sure what processes I used on these other photos, but I think it was various forms of cinematography with a little bit of somethin somethin.

Docks at sunset.

Fancy focus on the malecon.

Playa del Sol dock at last light.

And Bally Hoo pangas.


  1. You're right, IS a lot easier than actually using a Holga. Especially when the back keeps coming open and exposing the film. Haha. Love your ottoman, by the way!
