Friday, August 27, 2010

The Weekly Wrap

Lots of humidity, clouds, and skeeters around here right now which make for glorious color in the sky if you can brave the bites to view the sunsets!

Miss Saby got a brand new toy, a raccoon with squeakers but no stuffing (that way she's not hell bent on removing the stuffing from the toy)! She loves to wear it round her neck like a raccoon stole. Now if we could just train her to do the Charleston!

I fixed a pot of La Bruja's Sopa de Lima Wednesday night! It was wonderful garnished with tortilla strips and avocado!

Could someone please tell Saby it's NOT Take Your Dog to Work day! Actually, I took this photo to irritate my son. I'll put it on his Facebook. He can't stand it when we put a bandana, hat, or anything on what he calls his dog!

And here's what I call the Lazy Woman's Chocolate Sundae. I should have submitted this recipe for the Ixchel's Kitchen cookbook! Ice cream -- it's not just for breakfast anymore!

Have a wonderful weekend. I think we're going to redo some of our front landscaping. The temps are supposed to dip below 100 into the high 90's for two days, so that's a decent time to plant shrubs in Arizona. Hopefully, we'll play at least one of the two days!

For all you friends headed to Isla Mujeres, I'm jealous! Have a fantastic time!


  1. I LOVE the photo of Saby in the coat! Jejeje!!!


  2. The soup looks yummy! can't wait to get my cookbook! Sab't adorable!
