Thursday, August 12, 2010

To Yelapa

or not to Yelapa? That is the question!

Yelapa came onto our radar a few years ago when we were researching a trip to the Puerto Vallarta area. I'd never heard of the place but was intrigued since there are NO cars and visitors sleep in open air palapas! Gentrified camping! A place where you arrive by boat and a mule helps haul your bags up the hill. A place, I've read, that didn't get electricity until the turn of the century -- the 21st century! That trip got cancelled, but not before I'd already chickened out on Yelapa. Too many horror scorpion tales on Trip Advisor reviews!

Last year, I read a couple of posts about Yelapa on The Big Sweet Tooth. Check out Misty's link because she has wonderful photos that capture the essence of the village.

I remembered Yelapa again this week when I was thinking about where we should go after Bucerias. My first inclination was spending the rest of the trip farther up the coast in Guayabitos until I realized we'd probably do all those beaches on daytrips while we're in Bucerias. So my thoughts then zoned in on Yelapa.

The thought of sleeping open air in the jungle with creepy critters is a little daunting for me, but I truly think if we don't go there on this trip, I'll regret it! I'm still mesmerized by the photos and magic of a destination where you arrive by boat and don't have to dodge cars, golfcarts, and motos. And how can you go wrong when there's a woman who walks down the beach everyday selling banana cream pie! After looking at some photos posted online and some YouTube videos, Craig and I are sold!

I contacted a few rentals yesterday and Craig and I are now in the process of booking. Actually, I'm booking -- he's going to work every morning and looking at the links I send him when he has time for a break. We've decided on a unique property called Casa de los Suenos. The room I requested was already booked, so the owner suggested the Corona del Sol casa -- Bob Dylan's old haunt when it was a celebrity hangout. Locals call it The Watchtower in his honor. How does sleeping in the open air for four glorious nights listening to the sound of the waves and the birds and critters sound? Craig's threatened to channel Bob Dylan and sing a few songs, but I promise not to record it!

I booked airfare yesterday, so now we have a long countdown! Woo hoooooo! Take a look at this travel photography blog of Yelapa! How beautiful is that! Can't wait to be there!


  1. Sounds like an interesting spot! can't wait to hear more about it!

  2. I know you will be snapping all kinds of great photos there, can't wait to see them!

  3. Hmmmm... remember the zip line?


    Isla Chica

  4. Linda -- LOL! I'm actually having second thoughts about Bob Dylan's old haunt and checking out some places on the water in the village. Hope Craig doesn't decide he wants to try paragliding while we're there!

    Sue, I'll have to figure out the electronics for this trip! I've hardly seen anyplace with internet connections advertised, and the open air palapa sounds like not such a good place to have a laptop? I'm used to downloading photos to that laptop. May need multiple cards for the camera!

    Ann, you'll definitely hear more while I'm figuring it all out!

  5. I'll work on some lyrics for Craig, let's see:
    Lay lady lay
    under my Yelapa palapa !
    Hmm, needs some work.

    Packing a mosquito net ?

  6. Fortunately, drgeo, all the rooms seem to come equipped with mosquito nets. That way when you wake up, you can stare at all the spiders and bugs that tried to attack you during the night. HA! (Thank God I still have that can of Autan I bought on Isla!)
