Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ixchel's Kitchen

Got my Ixchel's Kitchen Isla cookbook in the mail yesterday and I'm so excited! Jana Everett Epperson, aka Moongirl, did a fantastic job and now I can't wait to try all the wonderful recipes!

Ixchel's Kitchen includes recipes like So Cal Mex Breakfast Lasagna and Mayan Roasted Chicken Enchiladas with Mole Sauce from Villa la Bella, Casa Sirena's Huevos Divorciados, Hummus from Comono, Guacamole, Sopa de Lima, and Vera Cruz Style Fish from La Bruja, Moroccan Chicken in Olives and Garam Masala from Olivia, Cuban Picadillo from Qubano, Bimbo Dogs by Danny, numerous recipes from Tiffany of Sonrisas Catering, and all sorts of wonderful concoctions contributed by restaurants and people on the island and the Islaholics we know and love!

The cookbook contains everything from Isla inspired cocktails to appetizers, main dishes, desserts, side dishes, and even beauty concoctions like the Tropical Face Mask from Casa La Luz Spa and Jana's own Mojito Body Scrub! Who knew that the multi-talented Jana could do everything from making seaglass jewelry to gourmet cooking to authoring and editing a cookbook! Three cheers for Jana!

The best part is that all the cookbook's proceeds go to support La Gloria English School on Isla Mujeres. The school, founded by Tom and Maggie Washa from Wisconsin who also now live on Isla, allows the residents of Isla Mujeres the opportunity to learn English in order to make a living in the tourist based economy.

Here's the important information -- the link to order Ixchel's Kitchen. It's $30, and as I said before, all the proceeds go to La Gloria English School. What I love about this fundraiser is that you get all the recipes for the food you love to eat on Isla Mujeres. I can't afford to be on Isla as much as I'd like, but I can bring the memories of Isla into my kitchen!

So hurry over to Jana's blog and get your own copy of Ixchel's Kitchen!

(Just click on those blue highlighted links and they will whisk you over there!)


  1. Great post. I just ordered mine --can't wait to get it!

  2. Thanks for the shout out, Becky! XOXO

  3. Can't WAIT for mine to arrive!

    Kudos to Jana for all her hard work on this project!!!

    Isla Chica
