Saturday, August 14, 2010

Eat Pray Love!

I hesitated to go on the first day the movie was out, but went to see Eat Pray Love yesterday morning. The matinee was packed! And the movie was wonderful! Truthfully, I was going through my own stuff at the time I tried to read this book and ended up putting it down. She was depressed -- I was depressed. I couldn't take it. Now I need to go back and read the book! Lots of wisdom and beautiful cinematography! This quote struck me -- I want to go someplace where I can marvel at something! Me too!

The theatre was packed with large groups of women. Yoga classes? Book clubs? I'm not sure. Some of them were in attire that mimicked Julia Robert's clothes in the movie. One rather large woman had an identical hat to the one Julia wears in the movie and never removed it. People watching was almost as good as the show!

Here's the trailer. If you get the chance, go see it! I want to purchase the soundtrack immediately. Great music!


  1. I don't go to the movies very often, but this makes me want to go this this one. Plus the actors are all ones I like--maybe I'll go to the matinee tomorrow!

  2. My best friend gave me this book before she moved to Alabama. I've almost finished it, and definitely plan to go see the movie!

    I sure do with I had enough $$$ to take a year off, traveling the world to find myself!

    Isla Chica

  3. Ann, you'll love the movie! I wouldn't mind going again. And Linda, I'd LOVE to go to Bali! One of these days!
