Friday, August 6, 2010

The Box of Junque

The box of goodies from my whirlwind antique tour of Kansas/Oklahoma/Missouri arrived yesterday and I've been having fun finding places for the stuff. Literally, I think it cost more to ship the junk than what I paid for it, but that's because I basically limited myself to $1, $3, and $5 purchases. It got to be a big joke. I'd see something I really wanted with a big price tag and just have to say no since it didn't fall into the $5 and under range. Actually, I think I paid $7 for something on that table.

My favorite puchase from this box was the mail holder decorated with birds. Once again, it's an item that reminded me so much of my aunt and her love of birds. My aunt fed birds and knew exactly what to put out to attract each variety. My friend Judy's sister Jill lives right now the road from Woodgate and says the number and variety of birds increased exponentially last summer after my aunt died. She'd never realized the reason until that moment. So at least we now know all those little birdies have found a new home. The little wicker tray with the feather bird under the glass is a souvenir from Mexico, so that's special too.

This little child's watering can was the exception to the $5 and under rule. I can't remember what I paid now (I probably blocked it), but I think it was $12, and I had to have it! : )

Craig and I watched American Pickers on the History Channel the other night. Those guys seem to be stuck on paying $50 on most things. I guess I'm the $3 picker! This apple didn't fall far from her Grandpa Bowman's frugal gene tree. He's the guy who shopped the grocery store with a little clicker adding up purchases and made the cashier go back over every item if the store's total didn't match his. (I'm not THAT bad!)

Can't wait to go back again next year and do it all over again. We were even talking about the possibility of a fall trip, but don't think that'll be a go since I have a wedding in Chicago and maybe a return trip to the tropics. But who knows, I could always hop in the car on a whim and just drive!


  1. I was certain the pricey item was gonna be the chinese checker board. Don't let anybody tell you you've lost your marbles!

  2. The price limit makes it more of a challenge. I like it!
