Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Surf's Up!

Surf's up in the Caribe and I'm watching a guy on a board across the road. I think that's kind of a rarity on Isla Mujeres as far as I know. We're really enjoying the weather. It turned cloudy Monday afternoon and will probably remain that way until Storm #2 (that's what it's called right now : ? ) clears this area. Craig and I love the cooler weather and rain because we haven't seen any at home since early March. Not to mention the weather should make the seaglass hunt even better!

My haul from yesterday morning!

Never noticed this before!

Isla window.

NaBalam palapas.

Playa Norte Vendor

The real Isla ruins.

Love this sign!

Gorgeous vine.

This woman gives us the evil eye when we drive down Juarez.

Poc Chuc's new faux paint job.

Colonia mini-mart.

Little gate in La Gloria.


  1. More excellent photos. Glad you're enjoying the weather, Beck.

  2. I'm enjoying all your pictures, makes me want to go out and take some too! I like the cooler weather but not the little mosquitoes knawing on my feet.

  3. OMG! White squall! LOL! We went into town in the cart and got caught at Mocambo's for 2 hours. Back home and so glad to be warm again! I'd never considered what happens to a person riding in a golfcart in a tropical monsoon! Sue, over here, I think the mosquitos are being blown away.
