Sunday, July 4, 2010

Man Oh Man Oh Man Oh!

I'm amazed at all the choices of eateries out in the colonias now! Friday night, we had bowls of sopa de lima at La Bruja and that was amazing! Yesterday, after we picked up our golfcart at El Sol in town, we headed straight back to the Mango Cafe for breakfast/brunch. I've actually been waiting to eat at the Mango for a few years. I usually visit in the slow months when they're closed, so I'm thrilled they're open this trip!

Sinfully good really isn't an exaggeration!

Craig awaiting breakfast.

A great menu! It's really hard to choose.

I knew the interior would be cool just from looking at the exterior, but the quaint decor still knocked me off my feet!

Most important -- open 8:30 to 2:00 daily!

After a lot of debate because everything on the menu looks amazing, Craig chose the Stuffed Chili Poblano.

I've always wanted to try that French Toast, but I opted for the West Indian Grilled Chicken Tacos since it was almost lunchtime. The flavors were fabulous!

I'll be back in this chair again soon! Maybe later today since they're having a special Fourth of July BBQ!


  1. People staying in the colonias never have to leave unless they want to visit Playa Norte or go to the bank. Lots of delicious, inexpensive options here - glad you are discovering them. We don't eat out much any more, but I want to try that stuffed chili one day.

  2. Sue, we might do Seso Loco tonight. We also need to try Kash Ken barbeque. We'll probably do that instead of the Mango today. Once the light rain stops, I need to walk up the street and find some fruit. There's supposed to be a fruit/juice shop nearby. We missed getting to the bakery last night. Love it out here!

  3. I'm glad you're enjoying the colonias, Beck. Thanks for the report!

  4. That menu looks great!!!! I can't wait to see where you are staying but I will be patient.

  5. Vee, I think you'd REALLY like this place! Jeanie, I've been posting more pics on my Facebook page.

  6. Well you look like you'll are having fun. Any Seaglass?

  7. Honey, do I have seaglass! I'll post some photos!

  8. Watch out for glass shards, if you decide to drive over Wayne's berm!!! ;-Z
