Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Lazy Days

All good things must come to an end. My bags aren't packed and I'm not ready to go, but I guess it's time. I leave tomorrow, but before then, I thought I'd do one last post from Mexico.

I woke up early with the sunrise this morning and thought I'd better make a trip down the beach to see what I could pick up. Another interesting haul with some pieces that have been incinerated. Fire glass? I can't remember what those are called.

I played hooky most of the day yesterday. I decided to just hang and enjoy the setting.

Me and Missy hangin' at the pool.

She stayed right behind my chair.

Even took an afternoon siesta in the room. (And I mean me, not the dog!)

She's got such a sweet smile and has become my guard dog! She and white dog live next door now and are happy as clams. They've got people! I'm so happy for them!

I went to Playa Norte this morning, but I'm back now and think I'll spend the rest of my afternoon doing the same as yesterday! Absolutely nothing! A swim in the pool, walk down the beach, and possibly a snooze in the hammock. Might as well take it all in before it's over! : )


  1. Beck, I realize that you might not think this as a mom......but Missy totally looks like Saby with an Isla haircut. Sweet girls.

  2. Sounds like my kind of afternoon!

  3. I wont tell Sabe that you are with other doggies.Ssshhhhh.

  4. Jeanie, my thoughts exactly! It's the smile and the coloring. Ann, it's been heavenly. Sue, sorry I missed one last meetup. And Chrissy, I'm hoping Saby won't smell any evidence!

  5. Looks like you had a great time as usual, Beck. Enjoyed all your posts.

  6. Beck, I will miss your live reports. Hope you have a safe trip home!

  7. I'll try to get back to my normal blogging routine now. Still plenty of photos and stories. I had a really weak internet connection for loading photos most of the time, so it'll be easier now!

  8. I love the yellow and blue against the turquoise water - but to me it looks much prettier on the way TO Isla! I am usually crying on the way back.
