Friday, July 2, 2010

The Devil Made Me Do It!

Forgive me Father for I have sinned! I once again succumbed to gluttony -- big time! One of the most fattening meals to be had on Isla -- the enchilada suizas at La Lomita. Aargh!

It's not really an excuse, but I slept through dinner on Wednesday night and woke up at 10:30 p.m. Too late to eat! So I justified the excess on Thursday night with the fact that I skipped dinner the night before. Never mind the fact that I had guac and chips on the beach at noon. I decided to have an early dinner, then come back to the hotel for a sunset swim in the pool.

I walked the malecon most of the way to La Lomita instead of Juarez. I figured that way I'd be cooler, and no one would witness my waddle up Juarez to the streetside Coca Cola tables.

I've never really looked at this menu. I'm realizing now I could have ordered a smaller plate!

I worship at the altar of La Lomita. Those enchilada suizas and bean soup are to die for!

But forget the bean soup! I went for the gusto! The first bite -- I think I moaned out loud!

As I ate, I kept a careful eye on the street to make sure no one I knew saw me.

Okay, at LEAST I didn't clean my plate!

Amazing meal, and the plan for the after dinner sunset swim worked out perfectly! : )

P.S. I stopped by Cool around 9 p.m. for a small dose of banana ice cream. If you're gonna be bad, you might as well be TERRIBLE!


  1. My kind of rationalization! Ate the same way when I was at the Cape--and the ice cream was a must at night!

  2. Craig just looked at my blog and said -- OMG, you ate all that! I made up for it last night with a bowl of sopa de lima.
