Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Week in Review

We're back home again after that fab weekend in Sedona and summer has arrived in Phoenix. No more windows open at night! It's A/C all the way now until at least the end of September.

Saby was sure happy to get home from her weekend at the doggy dude ranch. When Craig picked her up, he said she was hanging by the gate sniffing. When she realized he was there, she broke out in gleeful yelping, racing round and round in patterns. Back home, Saby's head was in the dog bowl for a long time. The girl tends to not eat when she's in a strange situation, so she lost a few lb's. (Maybe I should spend a week at the ranch!)

After the semi-short work week, we once again headed out to a Friday night on the town. Well, not really, but you probably recognize the venue. Here, Craig's in a good mood waiting on his burger at Joe's Farm Grill.

Farm Burger with Blue Cheese

I tried the Seafood Platter with Cod and Panko Shrimp. OMG! Why did I do that? But it was soooooo good!

Saturday, we stopped by our favorite Mexican joint for a bite. This sign looks like the Riviera Maya, but beer's $21 a six-pack! Craig bought a 12-pack of Sol yesterday to get in the mood for Isla at the end of the month.

Do you remember me talking about the elusive roadrunner? I've spent a lot of time trying to catch a photo over at the regional wildlife park across the road. This thing was wandering up and down the street this morning. It's Sunday, so maybe he was going house to house spreading the Good News?

This particular hibiscus in my front landscaping has always been very touchy. I always thought it probably wasn't a good variety for Arizona's desert heat. Wouldn't you know, the weather turns HOT, mucho calor, this week and this shrub breaks out in gorgeous blooms!

We're off to a two-year old's birthday party this afternoon. It's a backyard party and it's 110 degrees. Uhhhhhh -- we'll see how long we last.


  1. It's nice to see Craig and Saby both looking so contentedly happy.

  2. Never seen a photo of a roadrunner! Gorgeous hibiscus--I've grown them in pots--they last a few years & then die off

  3. Jane, they do both look content! And Ann, the roadrunner was sheer luck. Craig wondered if he was sick since he was so slow. They're weird birds. We've seen them run right up the side of large trees.
