Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sorry . . .

but I'm just been too dang busy to blog! Not to mention my mind is focused on one thing -- leaving on Tuesday! Packing, working on the yard, getting Craig to the airport for his Denver trip today, making lists on what I still need to get, getting Saby set up for Dog Bone Ranch, helping Craig get his Isla bag packed, etc... I can't wait to drive myself to the airport bright and early Tuesday morning and get this show on the road!

Here's my new favorite song! And it's so appropriate right now! : )


  1. have a safe trip! FB if you have a chance! i talked to JoAnne last night & they just got back--had a great time--she said it was the
    1st time she ever got a sunburn!

  2. Ann, I'm taking 50 spf this time! My Arizona skin doesn't need anymore tan! I'll try to post a few photos everyday.

  3. That is a cute video and song... have a great time!

  4. Have a great time...can't wait to see new photos!

  5. Have a wonderful trip my friend, I wish I was going too. Maybe next time. BTW since you're flying alone,beware of cowboys carrying a buffet! LOL

  6. LOL Jeanie! Should be good glass hunting after the storm. Say Hi to Tarzan for me. And ENJOY!!! (I know you will.)
