Friday, May 28, 2010

The Week in Review

I've been up for the sunrise every morning this week. The daytime temps have heated up into the 90's, but it's still been cool enough at night to sleep with the windows open. I'm guessing that'll be over by next week. I'm still hoping for a freaky Phoenix summer where the daytime highs stay in the low 100's. HA!

The pool is now in daily use. After Saby's morning walk, a friend and I have been doing water aerobics. We've talked about doing this for a couple of years and finally got around to it. It's great exercise. I'm totally de-stressed afterwards, and I'm starting to see muscles again in my arms? It's a miracle!

I've almost finished my latest book, The Lotus Eaters. If you haven't read it, it's the gripping tale of a female war photographer during the Viet Nam era.

I settled on the fabric and found an upholsterer for that ottoman. The total cost including extra fabric for pillows will be about $140, a savings of over $1300 if I'd bought the new chair and ottoman. I guess I'm officially a frugalista. I've also been on a swimsuit shopping tear. Swimsuits seem to sell out early in Phoenix, especially at the discount places. I'm really into scooping up those cheap suits in preparation for my Isla trip.

Saby's finally discovered the big monkey we gave her for Christmas. She won't be able to take it to the doggy dude ranch Saturday, but I doubt she'll notice with three plus acres to sniff. That and staring at the horses in an adjoining pasture should keep her busy!

Craig and I, of course, are really psyched for the weekend in Sedona. Hopefully, I'll have lots of new photos and a full report next week. It'll be a nice way to spend Memorial Day weekend instead of focusing on memories of loved ones.

Better pack my bags!


  1. Have a great weekend, Beck. Lookiing forward to seeing and hearing about Sedona!

  2. Have fun, I love the Sedona area and have lots of pictures from there during several visits when I was working in Prescott.

  3. Looking so forward to leaving tomorrow! Sue, I'd love to come back through Prescott and look at the antiques stores, but I'm betting Craig will be in a Memorial Day frenzy to get out of there early to try and beat the horrendous traffic jams going back into Phoenix.

  4. I have no idea where Sedona is but I'm looking forward to hearing all about it. I'm off to Jasper on Tuesday.

  5. Jeanie, I love Jasper! Take your binoculars and your heavy fleece!

  6. Frugalista! Great word. I am not a fashionista, but probably could qualify for the frugal word. Like the doggie pic, too.
