Monday, May 17, 2010

Rustic Garden

Remember my vow last year to get the garden antiques out of the garage and into the yard? Well, I'm still working on it this year. I made a little more progress on Saturday when we did the big backyard cleanup.

garden shells

front courtyard

cactus corner

old sewing machine table

garden seaglass

aloe in a rustic pot

garden plunder

shopping cart garden

bench birdies

rustic wooden bench


  1. Wow! Your garden areas put mine to shame! So many great & different ideas! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I love seeing photos of your garden Beck. You have the talent and the space to really be creative.

  3. Beautiful! You obviously have a lot of energy ... and no raccoons and skunks and possums and feral cats and whateverz that prevent me from putting anything pretty outdoors.
