Friday, May 21, 2010

Magic Carpet Ride

I've been playing chicken with the airlines trying to score a reasonable fare for Craig's trip to Isla. I've come to the conclusion that maybe a magic carpet ride might be the best way for him to get there!

I started looking when I booked my free ticket back in February. At that time, fares were in the $600 range and I just assumed they'd come down. Some airlines ran a sale a few months ago, but it was for travel through June 24. That sale expires May 25, so I'm hoping they'll start another summer fare sale after that for travel in July and August. But that's a crapshoot! Since I've been watching, the fares have ranged from lo-600's to over $1000. The only fares I've seen this high to Cancun have been during the December/January holiday time frame. (And that's why we never go to Isla at Christmas!) I hate to go beyond the 30 days out point. I think I'll set the end of May as my deadline. Hopefully, I can at least find something in the $600's, which amounts to a 100% increase in fares from what I paid last year.

I've always wanted a photo of my VW Bug convertible on Isla? Do you think Craig would fall for that? HA!


  1. Hope you can find a better priced ticket soon! Some people laugh at me for booking our seats so early, but if I see a decent price I'm gonna jump on it!

  2. I agree Ann! I start looking the minute we know we'll be going, but we usually never plan trips more than 3 months out. I've usually had no problem finding good fares to Cancun. I think maybe the airlines have severely cut back their flights to some Mexican destinations, and that might have something to do with the prices.
