Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The House Quesadilla!

You probably know by now that Craig and I are creatures of habit. We have added a few new restaurants to our repertoire (the fish tacos at Rubio's are pretty dang good), but we always return to the same old same old and usually order the same thing. But recently, we discovered a new dish at our favorite neighborhood Mexican joint, Casa Blanca.

The exterior looks great with the palo verdes in bloom!

I love these cool light fixtures!

Chips, salsa, and bean dip with every meal!

Craig happily awaiting his food.

Our new fave -- the House Quesadilla! Grilled chicken, peppers, onions, and chipolte cream cheese sauce in a tomato basil tortilla -- guacamole on the side! Yummmm! Just looking at this photo makes me want to run back out there!

Craig insisted I order his old favorite, the chicken guacamole tostada, for us to share. He was convinced the quesadilla wouldn't be big enought to split? My aunt always said my eyes were bigger than my stomach (that wisdom OBVIOUSLY doesn't apply now)! Craig must suffer from the same affliction.

We did manage to eat it all! That quesadilla is to die for!

1 comment:

  1. Frank and I are creatures of habit too. The big difference is that we don't have all the amazing choices that you have. I'm drooling.LOL
