Saturday, April 10, 2010

Too Busy To Blog

I'm so sorry I've been too busy to blog! Last night we had former neighbors over for dinner, so most of my non-work time this week was spent getting ready for them. We had so much fun! We hadn't seen them in the three and a half years since we moved. We watched them bring their babies home from the hospital and now the babies are in high school and jr. high. Chip opened the pool for the season! He's a swim team fish and didn't mind the fact that the water was probably only in the high 70's. Saby loves company, so she was a happy girl to have the kids play with her the entire evening.

Work has been work. All the usual characters. There's the strange tall guy who peeks over the top of the cubicle and scowls at all of us when he walks by every few hours. But I noticed he scowls all the time, so I guess that explains it. There's also the older woman with the thin short flat hair in the breakroom who mentions to me every morning that my hair is 'sticking up.' I guess I don't have it pasted down flat enough for her. LOL I think I've offended the pot singer by being my usual earthy self. She reluctantly came late to the lunch table yesterday and left early.

We're off on a bike ride to the library. I figured I might as well run the errands and get exercise at the same time! Hopefully, I'll do something this weekend that will inspire me to blog this week! : )


  1. Hey Beck - I know what you mean about being too busy to blog. I don't know how you came up with such great posts, day after day, for so long.

  2. Vee, I think I have writer's block! That and just not enough time!

  3. You have fabulous hair Dahling. Don't let the almost bald lady get to you.
