Friday, April 16, 2010


Seriously, this has been a hard week! The projects at work have gotten increasingly more difficult and our group's struggling. I truly do feel like Lucy in the Chocolate Factory most days! Yesterday I got an eye migraine in the middle of the afternoon. Ever had one of those? It used to freak me out everytime it happened, but I'm used to it now.

But this too shall pass. This current project is supposed to be over by later next week! (And then the week after I start a mother bear of a project that EVERYONE says is NO fun.)

Thank God it's Friday!

We have friends from Kansas City coming tomorrow. We haven't seen them in at least ten years, so it should be a blast!


  1. Enjoy the weekend is just work, hope it gets better after the mother project!

  2. We completed the mother project today and actually bettered the statistics from the group last year, so it was deemed a success. Now we're onto an easy one. Ahhhhhhhhhhh. Sue's right. Work is just work. Float with it!
