Thursday, April 29, 2010

Life's a Beach?

Well . . . life's kind of been the opposite this week. The flipside of life at the beach! I'd been warned that the qualification tests for this new project would be hard, but that's an understatement. I guess that's why they're paying us the big bucks? (And THAT'S a joke!) Long story short, I passed the first qual set on Tuesday with flying colors percentage-wise, but they caught me on a technicality. So I had to repeat the entire three-hour test on Wednesday. I was absolutely dreading the repeat, but I prevailed. After all that, everyone is still considered provisional and can be booted at any time if the individual stats drop, but I won't be crying if I'm escorted out the door. The project is mind-numbing and the over time's already started. I'll probably be going to work an hour earlier everyday.

Yesterday was D-Day. People were dropping like flies, being escorted out of the building. I had made up my mind that if it happened to me, I'd smile and skip. The stress is a little overwhelming considering the pay. I think a lot of people, if they didn't absolutely need the money, looked at being booted as a blessing. A few people D.Q.ed themselves. The two men directly down from me both bit the bullet by 10:00 a.m. The English teacher who had told other women in the bathroom on the first day that it was a no-brainer was escorted out just before lunch. I did gain new respect for the project heads and supervisors because they were very respectful and compassionate in the way they treated people. And, in some circumstances, exceptions were made and people were saved. While some people do the job for extra spending money or to keep their brains active, for others, it's the only thing keeping them alive right now. But that's another post!

So, I'm off to the salt mines this morning. The modern day computer sweatshop. For how long, I don't know, but Saby's looking forward to my last day of work. Yesterday, when I qualified, my supervisor turned to me and said, I just put in a call to your dog and she's really pissed off. HA!


  1. Wow, Beck, talk about the daily grind...

  2. That's crazy. Thankfully, it's not something you have to do long term and I LOVE the skipping/smiling idea!!! Keep us posted.

  3. Made it one more day. I saw at least 4 people get shut down and warned. Overtime tomorrow morning and Saturday. UGH! Oh well -- extra spending money for Isla!

  4. I still don't know what in the world you do, but good for you to be hanging in there. Some day in about 8 years I am going to skip and smile my way out of the prison (literally) where I work. If I don't run out screaming sooner than that.
