Friday, March 5, 2010

This and That

I picked up my new glasses this morning and absolutely love them. I went wild this time since I figured if I have to wear them, they might as well be fun! I also got a new pair of prescription sunnies and it's rare for me to just love new glasses, but I'm thrilled with both pairs.

Yesterday afternoon, my favorite van with all the left shoes pulled onto the driveway. Michael's home for a long weekend before he takes off again for Florida. There's never a dull moment when he's in the house.

This morning, while he was supposedly doing yoga, he pointed out how absurd it is that the focal point in my family room is a bowl of broken glass/beach trash. LOL I have no clue where he got that smart ass attitude!

Last night, he insisted that I watch a 12 minute DVD his company made on their road trip to the AT&T Pebble Beach Tournament. I prepared myself to be bored, but ended up on the floor laughing. They somehow connived celebrities, including famous golf, music, television, and movie names into cameo appearances in a DVD chronicling the adventures of the corporate team. It's a humorous take-off on The Hangover, a recent movie about a group of guys who have a wild bachelor party weekend in Vegas before the groom's wedding. OMG! It's so funny! And what a kick to see your kid alongside celebrities. I wish I could show it to everyone, but I'm sure that wouldn't be kosher since it was made strictly for corporate use. As Michael says, he's livin' the dream right now.

Craig called last night feeling a little left out since Michael's home and he's not. He was also bummed that his flight tonight wasn't going to get in until 8 p.m., and Southwest wouldn't allow him to move it up without a $200 plus charge. But everything's good now. He called about a half hour ago and his original flight was going to be 2 hours late, so Southwest was forced to let him hop on the 1:15 flight at no extra charge. Sometimes things DO work out!

There's a fresh batch of margarita ice cream in the fridge, and the boys have a golf game planned for Sunday afternoon!

Life is good (at least for now)!


  1. I bet that movie was hoot if it was similar to "The Hangover." On a slow day at work, a bunch of us got together in one of the empty classrooms and watched it. OMG, I haven't laughed so hard in I don't know how long! Definitely a "must-see!"

  2. The video sounds like fun and you tell Michael that the sea glass is not just trash -- unless he thinks that golf is just running around with a stick and a ball. :) Glad you had your Baby home for a visit.

  3. We're two days into the visit and he's still doing laundry. HA! At least I'm not doing it. Deb, I thought The Hangover was hilarious too! And Jana, he really needs to be educated about seaglass. I asked him why he didn't pick up any for me in Carmel, Monterey, or Bandon Dunes, Oregon since the golf courses were on the ocean. He assured me there was no seaglass in those areas (which means he didn't look).
