Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Funky Town!

There's a pattern to our travels. We're not fond of slick and homogenized. Afterall, we live in suburbia, so we can see that when we walk out our door. No Paradise Island, Disney World, Las Vegas, or Cancun five-star all-inclusives on our list of things to see and do. When we travel, we want to experience culture we don't see at home.

So Saturday's daytrip to Miami and Globe fit right into the pattern. HA! Let's take a walk through funky town!

Love this armadillo made from old tin cans!

Cool piece of art hanging outside a shop in downtown Miami.

Copper mining surrounds the Globe/Miami area.

Plenty of old doors to photograph in the area!

I just happened to peak into an empty shop window on Main Street in Miami and was surprised to see these old cars behind the glass. I could see right out the back end, so the building front was just a facade.

A creek runs through the middle of the small downtown area in Miami. These lovely old arched bridges cross the creek from the highway to Main Street.

This old tree is a living sculpture with architectural antiques hanging from its limbs.

Wouldn't mind having this copper fountain on my back patio!

The area seems to have more than its fair share of antique cars and trucks. I bet my neighbors wouldn't appreciate this in my backyard! But I did recently see an HGTV show where the good looking Australian host (hubba hubba) incorporated an old vehicle into a backyard landscaping design.

Could someone please pass me an ashtray? Everyone needs one of these on their patio for guests that smoke!


  1. What a cool town. I love the doors, esp.

  2. Looks like a very interesting place to visit! Thnaks for the tour.

  3. Jana, the doors are my favorites too. Ann, it's great to have a lot of places close to go see, but I wouldn't mind being back in New England where you're at in the summer/fall!
