Monday, March 29, 2010

Beads and Baubles

A few weeks ago, I got an email notice that Beads Galore was having one of their big sales. I needed a few items, so I decided to head on down and do some browsing. The place was packed! I noticed an entire wall of trade beads that were absolutely stunning! I wish I'd had my camera with me, but I did get a few blurry shots with the cellphone.

These are Masai beads. A woman kept asking me what Masai beads are, and I kept telling her the Masai are a tribe in Africa. Then I heard her asking a sales clerk and she got the same response. The colors just blew me away. I found some small turquoise colored beads that I decided would be about the right size for a beaded safety pin watchband.

Once I get started on a little project, I'm like a rat terrier with a bone. These are so easy to make! I also used some smaller ethnic looking seed beads that blended with the turquoise color.

After threading the beads onto safety pins, I simply take a set of small pliers and crimp the fastener so the safety pins won't spring open and cause a bead explosion.

Then I thread stretchy jewelry cord (1 mm) through the holes on both ends of the safety pins, alternating tops and bottoms of the pins. I found the large watch faces at Steinmart and cut off the cheap vinyl watchbands.

Here's the finished project! I love how this one turned out!


  1. Those colors are beautiful! Thanks for the lesson on how you make the watch band--I had wondered--it's much simpler than I thought--I think even I could do it!

  2. Wonderful step-by-step. May try to do one (or more) myself. Thank you!

  3. Hmmm...another comment missing. I usually read blogs first thing in the morning when I get to work. Guess those posts aren't getting through. I enjoyed this how-to, Beck!

  4. I just got an email that the bead place is having another sale on Friday. I might have to swing by after work? : ) Jane and Ann, it's really easy. You can also just google safety pin watchbands and find more in-depth tutorials. That's how I figured it out.

    And Vee, there was something wrong with Blogger/Google this morning because I couldn't access the comments before work.
