Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ukelele Jake

In addition to this being a cool video of surfing dolphins, it features the music of Jake Shimabukuro. Ukelele Jake is how I remember the name. In addition to learning how to make that fabulous Margarita ice cream on Saturday night, I also got introduced to Jake's music.

I need to get a CD of his music! Look him up on YouTube! He also plays a lot of Beatles songs on his ukelele.


  1. I like it. The ukelele is making a comeback everywhere, it seems.

  2. Cool how they're surfing right along with the humans! Looks like a few were saying, "Hey! I bet you can't do THIS!"



  3. I definitely think that's a cool way to swim with the dolphins! I reserved two of Jake's CD's at the local library. Can't wait to hear them!
