Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I'm a Fan

I became a fan of TV Isla Mujeres on Facebook today, but I wish to God someone would tell me what the man's saying in these news clips!

This one evidently has something to do with Colonia Guadalupana (formerly known as Squatterville to Isla tourists). In the Google translation, the head of the colonia says that they are ungovernable. Sounds like the Wild West, but I'm guessing the man is saying they should be beyond the reach of the local municipality's governing? There's also something about the mayor evicting residents in that translation?

In this clip, three police officers have been suspended for 15 days for the abuse of this guy who was arrested for breaking and entering. I hope the suspect got at least 15 days (if he was guilty).

As one of their 5 fans on Facebook (I hopped on this bandwagon early), I do have a suggestion for TV Isla Mujeres. No, I'm not going to ask them to edit the clips in English -- although that would be bueno for those of us too lazy to learn Spanish. They need to change the musical intros to denote whether it's a happy story or a murder clip! Right now, they all sound like crime dramas!

For example, since I can't understand the commentary, the music makes me wonder what this bandito in the red shorts rolling his suitcase down the sidewalk from the ferry did? And it makes the innocent streets of Isla seem a little mean!

Actually, that clip is easy because they use the same video everyday and just plug in new hotel occupancy numbers. It was 35% last week. Then they predicted it would climb over the weekend because of a holiday. Now they're saying it remains under 50% (maybe it's still in the 30's?) because of the cooler than normal weather.

Oh well, thank God for cultural differences! It gave me something to write about on a slow day in February!

Note to self: Maybe I should work on my Spanish?


  1. I have looked at this site ( not on FB) before & went back today--but when I went to the page on FB there were 171 friends & you weren't listed!
    I went to the site & google automatically tranlates the page--must be how I have google set?

  2. That's weird Ann! I clicked the Facebook symbol on the bottom of the site to become a member and I was the fifth member. Must be a disconnect, but there is a fan note on my Facebook. I need to get my google translator set to automatically come up.

  3. Ann, there must be a difference between being a fan and a member? Don't know. I clicked on the post on my Facebook page that says I'm a fan, and yes, a page comes up with five members. And I'm the fifth!

  4. I'll have to look for this on Facebook.
