Thursday, January 21, 2010

Stormy Thursday

Okay, I've finally succumbed to storm preparations. I heard the words tropical storm force winds this morning on the news and that got my attention. But I don't think we're talking this.

Or that!

But I do have a strange craving for Bimbo products and Snicker bars. Thank God I'm not a block from the supermercado!

Saby and I managed to get a little morning walk in before the wind and rain started. I just can't resist her pleas and that smile she has on her face when she's out walking.

I did take down all the free standing umbrellas, and I decided to just forget putting the trash out for pickup today. There's nothing worse than having your trash blown over a two block area and finding your container a block away. The side yard is flooded, and they're now predicting four inches of rain before this ends. I'm hoping that's an exaggeration since I'm not sure what to do if the pool overflows! And I have plenty of candles in case the power really does go out.

I may have to run out early before all the streets are flooded and treat myself to a carryout picnic! Speaking of a Picnik, I put a few more photos through the cross-processing method.

Early evening on the square.

Medina the evening after Ida passed.

Palapas at Aluxes.

High water in front of Maria del Mar after Ida.


  1. Good luck Beck. Stay dry! I like that cross-processing effect.

  2. Vee, there are white caps on the pool. LOL I ran into one flooded spot when I was out, but I was able to steer the Bug around it. One of the umbrellas I took down has already gone aloft again. Saby and I are dry inside, so all is well! I like the cross-process on the church/square.

  3. I like the cross-process in the zocalo too. Your on storm adrenalin, aren't you.

  4. Zina, we get so little weather here in Arizona that any little bit's exciting. LOL But this is a record storm. It's the first time I've heard my interior shutters rattle for long periods of time. Rain rain rain and more to come. But I'd rather be here right now than in California!
