Wednesday, January 13, 2010

For the Birds!

No deep thoughts in this post, just some photos of the birds on the California coast. The birds on the piers seem freakishly tame, but there are warning signs about the pelicans. Evidently the pelicans are testy and don't particularly enjoy pesky tourists getting in their faces.

Pelicans look so funny when they hunker down in this stance. Are they cold or threatened?

Love this gull with the shoreline in the background.

These shore birds almost look fake!

They weren't moving, so I had to walk around them!

This pelican almost looks like a souvenir sitting right next to the door with all the postcards.

These two were hanging close to the pier fisherman hoping to scoop up some discarded bait.

1 comment:

  1. I love the Pelican shots. They are so tame there in California. I remember them from one of my trips.
