Sunday, December 13, 2009

H1N1 Vaccine Hangover

Or, as my sister-in-law would call it -- the hiney flu vaccine hangover.

It all started a week ago. Craig had just been spoiling to get his swine flu vaccination. He sells educational software, so he's in and out of schools in some of the hardest hit states on a frequent basis. So last Sunday, when he found out the quick medical clinic run by our health insurer had the vaccine available for us (and for free, no less!), we were out the door.

I've never had any reaction to a flu vaccine other than a scratchy throat to the last swine flu vaccination way back in the late 70's. So I truly thought I was imagining it. I think it started Sunday night with the aching throbbing hip and leg. I was in absolute misery, popping ibuprofen despite the fact that I steer clear of it now because my kidney function isn't stellar. And the extreme aching continued through the week, especially at night, until the scratchy throat started on Wednesday. I made it through that Christmas party Friday night, but I was miserable by Saturday morning. My symptoms sound like a Nyquil commercial, but I can't take Nyquil because of the high blood pressure! So I'm taking Coricidin, the one cold med I know of that's recommended for people with high blood pressure. Hopefully, this will pass quickly!

So I'm wondering if it's just a big coincidence, or a reaction to the shot? I googled vaccine complications this morning, and sure enough, the symptoms were mine. Oh well -- just another blip on the radar screen. Cough cough cough! And I don't think it's as bad as the flu I had in September.

So, the Christmas shopping, cards, etc... will wait while I take a cold medicine induced long winter's nap!


  1. So sorry it affected you so badly! Had my shot over a month ago & neither of us had any complications at all!

  2. probably just the local bug. I had it 2 weeks ago, now my Dad has it. Because I had H1N1 in July, I didnt get the vaccination. Get better Beck, I will put a healing prayer in the wall for you.

  3. I passed on the H1N1 flu shot because I heard that if you're over 50, you're already immune to it. If I can get out of getting a shot, I'm all for it. Hope you feel better soon!

  4. Unfortunately, it seems like I get bronchitis now at the drop of a hat. I'm wheezing and can't find the inhaler the doctor gave me back in September, so I may need to go back in again. And Chrissy, thanks for the healing prayer.

    It's strange, but when I came back from Isla I felt so healthy! A neighbor even commented about how well I looked. I think it was the mass doses of fresh squeezed O.J., sea air, extra walking, and peaceful life. Wish I had an O.J. vendor who rode by everyday on his bike! : )

  5. Sorry you're having such a bad reaction Beck. Hope you feel better soon.

  6. Sorry you're not feeling well, Beck. The university is offering free shots on campus this week, and I've been debating whether to get one. Like Deb said, I may have immunity already. I don't want to get sick this time of year, so perhaps I'll pass. Feel better soon!

  7. Hope your back to 100% soon. Guess it's time to move to Isla!! (take me)

  8. Vee, Craig got it and his only symptom was a slightly sore arm. Maybe I was already run down? But I did talk to a nurse today who said she wasn't taking the shot and some of her friends have been threatened with being let go because they also wouldn't take it. Hmmmmmmmm. It's turned into the same cough I had in September with the wheezing. I found the inhaler and I'll give it another day or two before I trek to the doctor again.

    Jana, maybe we could work out a penthouse sitting job. (Right!)

  9. I hate to hear you are feeling bad. I hate taking the flu shots. I know it has to be in my mind but every time I feel like dog poop the next few days.

  10. Feel better soon, Beck!!!

    Isla Chica
